Precisions on the Present State of Architecture and City Planning, by Le Corbusier

Book, Park Books, Zurich, 2015.

Cristina Guadalupe Galván February 2016
Precisions on the Present State of Architecture and City Planning (Park Books, Zurich, 2015) is one of Le Corbusier’s most important publications on urbanism and architectural design. Partly written on the ship that carried him to Latin America, it comprises 10 lectures delivered in Buenos Aires (October 1929) and provides an indication of the content of presentations subsequently made in Montevideo, Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro.

Originally published in French in 1930, the first English version appeared in the US (MIT Press, 1991). Twenty-five years on and coincident with recent international exhibitions on Le Corbusier, this new edition reproduces for the first time 58 original lecture sketches by the architect, together with explanatory notes offering additional information on key figures, terms, and events. It also includes an introductory essay by renowned scholar Tim Benton, whose views on the South American lectures as seen in the larger context of Le Corbusier’s work, shed fresh light on this unique body of material.

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Cristina Guadalupe Galván

Cristina Guadalupe Galván is a visual artist, architect and writer from Spain based in New York. She is principal at Idée Fixe, a trans-disciplinary studio of art and architecture where she addresses social and cultural issues through critical thinking and media-specific projects.

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