Gabrielle Kennedy is an Amsterdam-based design journalist and editor. From 2009 to 2014 she was editor-in-chief of, and from 2014 to 2017 was the in-house journalist at Design Academy Eindhoven. She has written about design for The Australian, The Japan Times, Singapore Straits Times, The Economist, POL Oxygen, Dezeen, Wallpaper, and Icon Magazine among others.

DAMNº80 Organic Matters - DAMN° Magazine

DAMNº80 Organic Matters

By Gabrielle Kennedy

Space and Time: The Hospital of the Future - DAMN° Magazine

Space and Time: The Hospital of the Future

Interview by Gabrielle Kennedy

Let’s Get Real - DAMN° Magazine

Let’s Get Real

Editor's Note

Happiness Index 4.14 - DAMN° Magazine

Happiness Index 4.14

10 Years Later... Alice Wong

Christien Meindertsma, Redesigning Reality - DAMN° Magazine

Christien Meindertsma, Redesigning Reality

Christien Meindertsma defies all trends and at a time when design becomes more and more institutionalized she stays obstinately free and single, letting her instincts and personal experiences inform and guide her positions.

Guillaume Désanges on art and racism in France - DAMN° Magazine

Guillaume Désanges on art and racism in France

Guillaume Désanges is an independent curator and notably in charge of La Verrière, the exhibition space for contemporary art attached to Fondation d'entreprise Hermès in Brussels.



26th Biennial of Design (BIO 26) and Dutch Design Week

DAMN° 75 - DAMN° Magazine

DAMN° 75

On Information Overload—Editors Note

Wim Crouwel - DAMN° Magazine

Wim Crouwel

A tribute and a memory

Modest Marvel - DAMN° Magazine

Modest Marvel

Heinz Edelmann remembered

Question Everything - DAMN° Magazine

Question Everything

Gabrielle Kennedy visits the Design Academy Eindhoven masters exhibition