Bai Swivel Chair, Common Situations. Copyright of Ondarreta

Ondarreta – Common Situations

April 2020
A Chair’s Life. Chairs are present in hotel rooms, fancy restaurants, modest diners and busy offices. There are chairs in bars, museums, decks, backyards, living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms.
Chairs are there for people to sit on, rest their legs on, look good in, to read novels, write chronicles, letters and emails. There are stools from which to order drinks at counters, there are puffs for us to relax in and watch a show, and easy chairs in which some have profound conversations and, others, idle small talks.
But we chairs have also become accomplices, silent companions of the tiny moments that make up people’s lives. Sometimes we’re there to hold coats or piles of worn clothes that are not ready to go back into the closet, to move things around or be building blocks for children’s games or artistic photo shoots.
We’re always hoping, always waiting for that short time at which we will be able to fulfil the one purpose we were created for: to be the vehicles of great writing, pleasurable reading, silent rest and smart conversation. We know they’ll get out of the shower and go straight to bed after a day of hard work. But we still wait quietly by the bed hoping to be noticed.
Things today are hectic. We get it. At this rhythm, we can’t always be used as intended by our creators –but we’re still an indispensable part of active, creative, well-lived lives. We’ll take that
Lounge AIA puf, Common Situations. Copyright of Ondarreta
Bob 38 Chair, Common Situations. Copyright of Ondarreta
Silu Chairs, Common Situations. Copyright of Ondarreta
Mikado XL chair, Common Situations. Copyright of Ondarreta
Mikado XL chair, Common Situations. Copyright of Ondarreta